How to Switch Software Buttons on Samsung Galaxy S8

Samsung Galaxy S8 is launched worldwide and by now you must have got yours. Despite all the jaw-dropping  features of Galaxy S8, there are some turn offs. Samsung is yet to give a endless fix for DQA keeps stopping error, if you’re facing the same error please visit our companion for possible fixes. Anyways, now addicts are annoyed by Galaxy S8’s software button positioning. This isn’t usual Samsung’s positioning, which is used on Galaxy S8, and people are getting confused between Recents- Home- Back software buttons. In this tutorial, we will tell you How to switch software buttons on the Samsung Galaxy S8.

This option is available and truly simple to use, you don’t need any third party flashable zips to perform this task. You can fluently switch software buttons on the Samsung Galaxy S8 to your preference. Please follow our companion below and switch software buttons in a blink of an eye.

How to Switch Software Buttons on Samsung Galaxy S8


In Settings Tap on Display

In the Settings menu, scroll down and tap on the” Display” option.

Now in Display cock on Navigation Bar

In the Display settings, you will see an option called” Navigation bar.” Tap on it.

Choose button order or navigation system

In the Navigation bar settings, you’ll find options for changing the button order or navigation systemalso are the two primary styles:
1. Button order To change the order of the software buttonsgenerally Back, Home, and Recent Apps), stopcock on”
2. Button layout.” You can handpick the order that suits you swishanalogous as” Recents, Home, Back” or” Back, Home, Recents.”
Navigation gestures If you prefer to use navigation gestures rather of buttonsstopcock on” Full screen gestures.” This will enable gesture– predicated navigation, which involves swiping up from the bottom of the screen to go home, swiping from the sides for back, and other gestures for recent apps.

Customize furthervoluntary)

You can further customize the navigation bar by conforming the perceptivity of the Home buttonenabling or disabling the” Show and hide button” option, or enabling gesture hintsdepending on your preference. After making your selection, the navigation bar or navigation gestures will be streamlined accordingly. also, descry Button Layout cock on it and choose software buttons order as per your relish.

That’s it! This is how you can switch software buttons on your Samsung Galaxy S8.


In conclusion, the Samsung Galaxy S8 offers a stonerfriendly approach to customizing the software buttons or navigation system to suit your preferences. The capability to rearrange the software buttons or switch to navigation gestures can enhance your overall stoner experience. By following the way outlined in this tutorial, you can snappily and fluently make these adaptations without the need for third-party tools or complicated  procedures. Samsung’s software, coupled with Android, provides ample inflexibility to feed to colorful stoner preferencesmaking the Galaxy S8 a protean device.


1. What are software buttons on the Samsung Galaxy S8?

Software buttons on the Samsung Galaxy S8 are on- screen navigation buttons that allow you to perform conduct similar as going backreturning to the home screen, and penetrating recent apps.

2. Why would I want to switch software buttons?

You may want to switch software buttons to rearrange the order to more match your preferences or to switch to navigation gestures, which can give a different way of interacting with your phone.

3. Do I need any third- party apps or variations to switch software buttons on the Galaxy S8?

No, you don’t need any third- party apps or variations to switch software buttons on the Galaxy S8. This point is erected into the phone’s settings.

4. Can I customize the navigation bar further?

Yes, you can customize the navigation bar further by conforming the perceptivity of the Home button, enabling or disabling the” Show and hide button” option, or enabling gesture hints.

5. Will the process be the same for other Samsung Galaxy bias?

The process may be analogous for other Samsung Galaxy bias, but the exact way and options might vary slightly  depending on the device‘s software interpretation and stoner interface.

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